Bankruptcy Information
Who Is a Bankruptcy Trustee?
by BankruptcyMax on 12/03/19The bankruptcy trustee plays an important part in your bankruptcy case. The trustee is appointed to your bankruptcy case when you file your petition with bankruptcy court. His job is to review your bankruptcy petition , schedules, statement of financial affairs for accuracy. The trustee may request additional information to determine if the forms are complete and accurate. The trustee reviews all documents associated with your case.
Generally, this is a “meeting with the Trustee”. The whole meeting will last 5-15 minutes. Your answers must be brief and direct. The Trustees are respectful but are not your “friend.” Their job is to administer your bankrupt estate, find assets to liquidate and pay your creditors. They work for the benefit of the unsecured creditors and the Government, not you.
Note: Trustees do not like when you give evasive answers like: I don’t know; I can’t remember. Be truthful. Remember, only honest people receive a discharge of their debts in bankruptcy. If you have any questions, call us at (248) 281-6299 or visit our website
If you have any questions, call our Detroit bankruptcy lawyers at 248-281-6299.
Can I Get a Credit After Bankruptcy?
by BankruptcyMax on 12/03/19If you've filed bankruptcy, you know it's not the end of the world. You can apply for a credit card after your bankruptcy has been completed, or discharged. Some credit cards approve applicants who have a bankruptcy because they know that, by law, you can't declare bankruptcy again for another eight years. You'll likely be approved for a couple types of cards such as secured credit card, retail and gas cards. If you have questions, contract our lawyers at or Just Call (248) 281-6299.